
What's Your Type?

Image from Cody Simpon's Angel lyric video.
Along with still images, video and motion graphics, typography is a great way to deliver a message.  In fact, it can be a key component in the medium previously mentioned.  Type can be an effective and powerful asset if used properly.  It can help tie together a piece and communicate key information in a visually appeasing and captivating way.  However, it can also be disastrous if used inappropriately, distracting from the overall message and overpowering the other elements.

Different typefaces used for branding.
The difference between font and typeface is:
Typeface: a set of type of the same design.  Above shows the Morgan TYPEFACE.
Font: type with a specific style and size in a type family (includes elements such as bold and italics).  Above shows the Morgan Big Light FONT.
Here are some examples of font that are used for various purposes and medium.

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