
Game On!

"Life is a game, all you have to do is know how to play it."

Collection of classic board games.
As true as that is, it doesn't have to go that deep. Aside from the philosophical points of it, we are, in fact, surrounded by game-play everywhere we go. Games come in all sort of forms, such as those board games from when we were younger, to computer games, ARG (alternate reality games), console games, card games etc. 

Simulation for satellite navigation for the BaiCES project (2001 - 03).
However, they are used for a wide variety of purposes other than entertainment. They can be used to educate, build communities and break the ice. Government groups such as the military and NASA use forms of gaming, or more specifically, simulations of real life situations for training. Teachers use flash cards (i.e. in the game of memory) to help students remember important terms. Moreover, they bring people together from around the world using forums and online communities to discuss game strategies, share shortcuts etc. Last but not least, they give strangers some common ground to begin to interact.

Memory is an old game that can be used to educate, such as when learning another language, such as Latin.
There are definitely many more uses for games aside from those mentioned. Growing up, I've been a part of and interested in all sorts of games in many different forms.

1) Console games - RPG (role-playing games) 

Final Fantasy X-2, from the Final Fantasy series.
The Final Fantasy (FF) series takes place in a make-believe world with very magic-like characters and environments. There are many different FF games ranging from I-XIV (1-14). However, at their cores, all of the situations, problems and scenarios are very realistic and possible. For example, they take the idea of warring, environmental issues, struggle for power etc, but just placed in a fantasy world. Therefore, not only is this game a form entertainment, but it also contains many practical lessons and possible scenarios.

2) Internet games - Multiplayer 

Online multiplayer game.
MapleStory is an online, multiplayer game where players create a character and battle in different worlds to gain experience and money. There are also guilds and teams that can be formed to battle common bosses and enemies. These teams can also go on quests that are impossible to complete individually. This builds an online community among the players, who may be from half way around the world.

3) Card games – Multiplayer

Cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh series.
Drawing from the popular TV show, Yu-Gi-Oh, it directly mimics how the characters battle against each other. Players have a deck of cards with monsters of varying strengths and weaknesses and power ups. It is a game of strategies and thinking to bring the opponents Life Points down to zero. Student bring these cards to school to 'duel' against other classmates. Friends meet up at cafes or teashops to play. Also, like many other games, there are tournaments with prizes, which allow 'duelists' to meet others like them and break the ice to warm up or practice.

Many games nowadays, such as those for the Wii console, allows groups of people, such as a family, to play together.
Among these are thousands of other games that are played, ranging many age groups. Despite the negative image gaming sometimes has because of its portrayal of violence and explicit content, it actually has a very positive contribution to society and relationships.

Classic Games
Final Fantasy

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